Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The models I made for the week 3 assignment (completely tanked it, got super sick last week and couldn't focus if my life depended on it)
Staple remover, that one turned out pretty okay I think. made it after i started feeling better. Needs refinement but it's passable. The topology hunt helped because I initially had a few N-gons scattered around. Took me about 4 hours to make, would have spent more time but i was panicking over the deadline. Probably cost myself more than the extension penalty would have subtracted.
Oil cooler gear, remodeled after week 2. Nothing fancy but got some good use of my bevel tool on the top thingamajig. only took maybe an hour or so.
An eye screw, the topology is all awkward and uneven, but i could not for the life of me figure out how to make it curve smoothly. Spent two hours making sure the threading looked right (which i might add was a massive pain) 5 minutes getting the length of the screw, and 5 hours trying (and failing) to make the eye curve properly.
A hand drill, not pretty but at least it's a passable model. Maybe 4 hours I think? terrible at tracking my time.

A bottle which apparently didn't save ANY of the more complex work I did, and I forgot to double check before submitting it. I will admit I dropped the ball on that one, but I hade the little ring and cap modeled, had the round bits all modeled out nice and smooth, hollowed it out to remove the ugly tube thing through the center... ugh. stupid computer losing all my work... Spent a solid 10 hours on it, too.

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